Tips For Having That Exclusive Relationship Talk

You don’t have wait very long in order to find out whether you’re wasting your time with your date. When the time is right or when you feel that the urge to ask is creeping up slowly, you need to have that exclusive relationship talk. But, how will you do it without being too awkward?

The Exclusive Relationship Talk Made Easy

So you want to settle into an exclusive relationship, but don’t know how to tell the person you’re newly dating about it? Here are some ways to determine whether he or she shares the same sentiment with you:

1. Find a good moment to talk.

The best thing to do in the situation is simple. In order to know what your date thinks about exclusivity, all you need to do is to ask point blank. However, you cannot just force the topic. You need to find an opportune time to talk. You should both be relaxed and in the mood to talk. Do not just bring it up randomly.

2. Find the ripe time to talk.

Of course, you cannot have that talk after only the second date. The time should also be ripe and right. Asking prematurely will just give you a forced response. Some of the signs that it is already the ripe time are:

  • Hanging out several times a week.
  • Accidentally calling each other boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Meeting each other’s friends and family.

When these things have been happening to you, then find a good time to talk.

3. Never assume

When you are dating, never assume about possibilities. Always ask and act on a clean slate. You may already be envisioning your plans for the immediate future while your date is still searching. So, don’t assume anything after you have had the talk. It will protect you from disappointments.

4. Do it in person.

When you are going to have the talk, do it in person. Do not make the conversation through chat or text messaging. That is too informal and is subject to a lot of misunderstandings. So set a time and place, somewhere comfortable and gives you a leeway for an intimate talk.

Going into an exclusive relationship is quite exciting, especially if your date said yes to your proposition. Just start on the right foot, and remember that timing is everything. For more tips on dating and relationships, check out other posts from the blog.

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