AnastasiaDate Real Or Fake: A Single Word Can Drive Women Crazy?


AnastasiaDate real or fake is a new approach through which we attempt to uncover which statement about love, dating and relationships is fact and which one is fiction. We’re publishing our first post today, so to start strong we did our research on how a single pronoun can improve your chances of getting dates. Can you believe it? You better believe it because according to Wired “men who used the word ‘whom’ got 31% more contacts from females”.

AnastasiaDate Real or Fake: One Word Is Enough To Win Woman Over?

One little pronoun somehow improved a guy’s dating profile by 31% which is huge when we’re talking about getting potential dates. So what’s with “whom”? Is it because of how it sounds? AnastaisaDate real or fake finds out.

What Does Science Say?

First of all, it’s not common for people to still use the pronoun “whom” because, well, there’s “who”, which is more common and easier to use. Using “whom” correctly requires practice and a mastery of the grammatical rules that apply to it. And that’s exactly what women are attracted to. It’s not the sound of the pronoun or the pronoun itself, but what the usage of the pronoun insinuates.

If a man uses the pronoun “whom” in his online dating profile, he is perceived as intelligent and charming. In a general sense, intelligence is always attractive. We can all connect with a person better if he or she can hold an intelligent conversation, wouldn’t you agree? If the person we’re dating knows a lot of things about the world and has a very charming way of talking to you about it, wouldn’t you be smitten?

There’s also research done by the evolutionary psychologist Professor Geoffrey Miller of the University of New Mexico, suggesting that higher intelligence equals the healthiest sperm. Perhaps, our primal senses can tell that we’ll have a better chance at reproducing with a person who has a higher IQ.

The Verdict

So, in summary, it’s not the pronoun itself but what the usage of the pronoun insinuates. How can you use this knowledge to your advantage? Here are a couple of ideas:

1. Start reading books.

Reading is one way to broaden your vocabulary and improve your grammar. If you don’t like reading novels, start reading the dictionary to find words that can make you sound more attractive on your dating profile (just start reading, improve yourself, because of you, nevermind the reading part).

2. Try new cultural experiences.

Why cultural experiences? The main reason is that cultural experiences broaden your knowledge about the world and that’s the goal. You can get a lot of cultural experiences while you travel. Documentaries are good things to start with if you don’t travel a lot.

There are more interesting stories on our blog so make sure to check out our other posts. Don’t forget to share this AnastasiaDate Real or Fake article if you found it interesting.

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