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How To Support Your Partner With A Toxic Family

How To Support Your Partner With A Toxic Family | Anastasia Date

When your loved one has a toxic family, you have to know how to support him or her correctly. We can’t really choose our family members so we have to make do with the cards that we are dealt with. The same goes for your partner.

Having A Toxic Family Will Have Negative Effects On Your Relationship

Even if you say that your partner doesn’t see much of his or her family, the fact that your loved one grew up with a toxic family (and an unhealthy environment), it’s most likely that his or her family is a source of stress and a reason for some of your partner’s issues and insecurities. How will you support the person you love? read more

Forget About Relationship Longevity If You Are Not Doing These Things

Relationship Longevity | Anastasia Date

After you have gotten past the dating period and you are entering your new committed “in a relationship” state, you think of relationship longevity. Of course, you want this commitment to work. If you really want your relationship to last, how do you go about it aside from doing the most obvious?

Non-Negotiable Elements Of Relationship Longevity

You definitely need to work hard to make your relationship last. But, while you are focusing on improving different aspects of your relationship, make sure that you never forget about the following elements:

1. Freedom

The couple needs to maintain a certain sense of freedom. You may love your partner and be wholly committed to him or her, but maintaining your individualism contributes to the health of your relationship. You should be able to freely pursue the passions that you used to enjoy before the coupling phase.

2. Dependency On Each Other

Ok, this sounds like the opposite of the first item, but while you maintain your individuality, there should also be a sense of needing each other. There are certain things in your life that only your partner can satisfy and fulfill, emotionally and physically.

3. Physical Attraction

There should be a general healthy arousal between the two of you and you enjoy your intimate encounters. You are willing to explore and experiment or you can be happy with what you have. In short, you want each other.

4. Getting Interested

Being interested in your partner can take some effort. You should be genuinely interested in what they are saying, doing, what they are going through, and even in what they want to achieve. Do you want to be a part of your partner’s goals?

5. Enjoyable Companionship

Whether at home or just picking up groceries, you enjoy each other’s company. You can talk about different things or just be quiet together. But the important thing is, you are not annoyed with the other person’s presence.

6. Open Communication

Communication will get you through a relationship that will continue for life. It is being able to openly discuss different things and not become self-conscious about the other’s ability to understand.

7. Self-care

People who stay in a happy relationship are usually the people who can also take care of themselves. It seems that they are able to give off what they already have, because they have so much self-care.

Relationship longevity can be tough for some people. But, then you will realize that there are certain things that cannot be changed. If you have mastered this, then you are on your way to a blissful partnership that’s, hopefully, going to last forever. For more tips, make sure you read the rest of our blog.

You’ll Know You’re Settling In Your Relationship With These Red Flags

settling in your realtionship AnastasiaDate

No relationship or marriage will ever be perfect. But, there are certain red flags that will let you know if you are actually settling in your relationship. What you have is not ideal for you, but you hold on because you’re either afraid of being alone, or you have become too comfortable that you never want to move.

Major Signs That Say You’re Settling In Your Relationship

Settling down is different from merely settling. It’s like accepting what is mediocre and not looking for the best. In truth, you can actually do so much better. To know whether you are guilty of this, check the following signs:

  • You kind of feel weird introducing your partner to your friends and family. You have been going out for some time and your family and friends want to meet the person already. But, you keep trying to put it off, looking for all sorts of excuses. If this is the case, this means that you may be embarrassed with your partner or you don’t want to pursue a long-term relationship.
  • You think that you need to oversell your date. You may not be confident about his or her personality, looks, standing in society, or if he or she may mix well with your peers. Subconsciously, you justify your date’s actions and even try to put in a good word.
  • There is that nagging feeling that you need to change yourself for him or her. He or she might not verbalize it, but you feel that you need to change your tastes, outlooks, even political stand just to have a sort of harmony in the relationship.
  • You compare him or her with your friends’ partners. It is unhealthy to compare partners because it breeds jealousy and contempt. But somehow, you can’t help it because you constantly find something ingratiating towards your partner.
  • You’re making way too many compromises to make your partner happy. It’s just so hard to keep him or her happy so much so that you give up so many things just so your partner wouldn’t get upset. It could be simple things like your choice in fashion to bigger things like giving up on your friends.
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    Obvious Turn-Offs That Men Don’t Get While On Dating Apps

    While On Dating Apps | Anastasia Date

    While on dating apps, it’s absolutely important that men understand different factors that turn women off. Of course, the basics apply. For example, if you’re rude or a jerk, then that’s going to be a big red flag for women you meet on dating apps. But, how about less obvious turn-offs?

    While On Dating Apps, Avoid Doing These On Your Dating Profile

    Of course, you’d want to present yourself in the best light, but when you boast about yourself too much, you can send the wrong message to the ladies. For example, you would think that the following are harmless, but they’re actually pretty annoying to females who could be your potential dates: read more

    Anastasia Date: Are You Her Fling? Signs That Point To Yes

    Anastasia Date: Are You Her Fling? Signs That Point To Yes | Anastasia Dating Tips

    New love is great and all, but the problem that most of us face when we encounter a new love is uncertainty. When you are active in today’s dating scene, you know exactly what we mean – could your new love just be a fling or is it something that will last for years to come? Anastasia Date answers this question in today’s article.

    Anastasia Date: Let’s Talk About Flings

    With the advent of new ways of dating, more specifically online dating, we are presented with options to meet new people. In fact, even if you’re dating offline, the mere fact that we have all these options that allow us to meet people, almost, everyday, raises the question: is this person really into me or am I just a fling?

    How To Tell If You’re Just A Fling

    Anastasia Date did some digging and found the following signs that should help you identify whether you’re dating someone serious or someone who’s just after a quick hookup:

    1) Dates are scarce.

    Have you ever experienced your online date or offline date disappearing for days or, worse, weeks, without you knowing where this person is? If you’re answer is yes, you’re right to raise your eyebrow. With your date popping up every now and then, with several days in between chats or meetings, you need to question whether there is a relationship in the first place.

    2) Commitment does not come up.

    Commonly, when you’re dating someone, you are inclined to call that person your girlfriend or boyfriend. If the relationship has not been defined, or your date refuses to define your relationship, he or she might not want to be committed.

    3) Last minute plans.

    Imagine this scenario: you just got home from work, then all of a sudden, your date texts you or chats with you, demanding to see you. Well, that was abrupt. If all of your dates, whether online or offline, feel spontaneous, abrupt or unplanned, you might just be this person’s plan B.

    Do us a favor, head for the hills if you spot any of these signs with your, so-called, new love. It’s not worth it and you’ll just end up being hurt. There are better people for you out there so don’t give up on dating yet, despite your bad experiences. For more dating and online safety tips, check out the rest of our posts on our blog.