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Why Do So Many People Sign Up For Dating Sites?

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Statistics show that more and more people turn to online dating as a way to find a lifelong partner. Meeting through family and friends is still the most popular way couples meet, but virtual dating has become a close second. In today’s article, we are going to examine why online dating has grown so popular. Why do so many people find their way to dating sites? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is So Good About Dating Sites

1. Online dating and time.

One of the major reasons people turn to online dating sites these days is their hectic work schedule. There simply may not be enough time to go out on dates with people you aren’t sure you like. The profiles on online dating sites are so thorough it is easier to find like-minded people. That is a huge time saver, and it also gives you a better chance of finding someone you click with right away. Keep in mind that you don’t want to narrow the search down too much. Leave some room for surprise. read more

The Lasting Relationship Advice Experts Are Wrong About

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There is no perfect relationship, everyone knows that. Even in romance novels and movies, the couple always encounters problems and they may or may not end up resolving them. But, while there is no perfect relationship, history tells us that we can always aim for a lasting relationship. In our efforts to make our relationship last, we need to discern advice that we need to listen to and advice that we should totally ignore (even when they come from experts).

Have We Been Following Wrong Advice For A Lasting Relationship All This Time?

For all of use to know, we’ve compiled three of these inaccurate pieces of advice that relationship experts have suggested. See the list below and spot the ones that you have already heard of or even followed: read more

Signs That Say You Need To Change The Way You Are Meeting New People

Signs That Say You Need To Put More Effort Into Meeting New People | Anastasia Date

Have you been hitting misses lately when you’re meeting new people to date? Whether you are online or offline dating, you won’t have any luck if your mindset isn’t right. Yes, believe it or not, the way we look at dating affects the result of our escapades in more ways that you can imagine. Meeting new people is easy because putting yourself out there is easy. The hard part comes from knowing how to talk, what to talk about, how you act, and so on.

These Signs Will Tell You That You Don’t Have The Right Mindset When Meeting New People

Below, we’ve listed down signs that might point towards you making little to no effort into improving your dating life. See if you can spot some of your behaviors below:

1. You Don’t Prioritize Dating

Do you get excited whenever you get a new message on the online dating website that you are on? If not, then you may not be prioritizing finding love that much. Sure, you have your work to worry about, but the key is to strike a good balance between dating and giving importance to other aspects of your life. Allow yourself to see dating as a priority.

2. No One Is Asking You About Your Dating Life

What was the last thing that you talked about with your friends? If it’s not about your love life, take it as a sign. Usually, when you are actively dating, your friends ask you several questions about this and that. Updates are demanded which can be annoying, but at least it’s a great sign that you’re putting engaged and motivated to meet someone.

3. You Don’t Make An Effort When It Comes To Your Looks

If you’re not putting an effort into the way you dress or the way your hair looks, you might not be putting any effort into dating as well. Think about it. If you meet new people, you always want to look good. This isn’t to say that you have to be a GQ-esque model, but just groom yourself and wear clothes that are appropriate to the occasion.

4. You Don’t Approach People You Are Interested In

Do you always see this guy or girl every day at the coffee shop where you get your coffee from? Why not ask him or her out on a date? Doing this is also putting yourself out there. If you are that determined to look for a date, then you have to face your fears and go for it.

Share these tips if you found them helpful. For more essential tips on meeting new people, read more on our blog.

AnastasiaDate: What Men Don’t Understand About Women

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Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. That’s what they say, right? Well, it’s true. Men and women are so different yet relationships are one of the most natural aspects of life. There will always be things that women won’t understand about men and vice versa, though. Let’s discuss that with AnastasiaDate.

AnastasiaDate: 5 Things Men Just Don’t And Won’t Get About The Female Species

Are you curious about what these things are? This is the right list to read. Whatever you read here could also help you with your current relationship. Without further ado, here’s an AnastasiaDate list of five things men will probably never understand about women:

1. “I’m fine.”

When men ask if women are OK, “I’m fine” is the most common answer. When men hear this, they usually have two interpretations depending on the situation: “She really is ok”, and “I am in deep trouble”. Although men understand how to read between the lines, what they don’t understand is why women say they’re fine when they’re clearly not. The main reason is that women were raised to be feminine, polite, and reserved. Let’s add soft-spoken too.

2. Makeup and Clothes

Why in the world do women take too long to get ready? Well, it’s because women take their time in putting on makeup and in picking what to wear. But do women do it for guys? Surprisingly, no. Women look good for themselves, understand that.

3. That Time Of The Month

Here’s another aspect of womanhood that men will never understand. That time of the month is a bit difficult for women because of the hormones, the cravings, the mood swings, and the like. There’s so much going on. Remember, as a man, what you need to do is to listen and then bring your wife, girlfriend or significant other some chocolate.

4. Shoes, Bags And Makeup Are Addicting

What can we say? Women like all things nice and sparkly. Think of it this way: how you think of basketball, soccer or football is how women view bags, shoes and makeup.

5. Catcalling Is Never Cute And Acceptable

Catcalling has always been viewed as disrespectful. Even though the main purpose of catcalling is innocent admiration, it is never acceptable to a woman.

Study these woman-facts and maybe you’ll have better luck with the female species. Don’t forget to check out more of our AnastasiaDate posts on our blog.



You Are In A Mismatched Relationship If You See These Signs

You Are In A Mismatched Relationship If You See These Signs | Anastasia Date

If you have been mismatched with the person you’re dating, you will immediately know. Things in your relationship won’t be easy. Most of the time, there will be friction. That friction could build up into a fire, and that fire might end up burning everything, ending your mismatched relationship in a bad way. How do you avoid this?

Spotting A Mismatched Relationship From A Mile Away

It’s unfortunate that we find ourselves in these circumstances. When we are online dating and we are enamored with the person we are chatting with, we instantly jump into a relationship without thinking twice. In some cases, the relationship works, but most times we end up broken-hearted. This is how you know if you’re in a mismatched relationship right now:

1. You don’t agree about what to do when you have free time.

You want to do A, but your partner really wants to do B. Of course, you can compromise and do C. However, if you’re in a mismatched relationship, your reaction to this will be different. You and your partner will end up fighting over what you’re going to do because no one will give way.

2. You’re like strangers living different lives.

If you feel like you live totally different lives, then it’s one big sign that you may not be compatible. It’s not just about interests. It’s about being on the same page about most things, interests included.

3. You have different plans for the future.

This is the biggest red flag of them all. If you don’t include each other in your future plans, or worse, if one isn’t included in the plan of the other, it spells out trouble. You may not imagine yourselves in a relationship for very long.

4. The value you put in your relationship isn’t the same.

To you, your relationship may be a priority. But, to your partner, the relationship may be fifth on his or her list of priorities. This isn’t good because you will end up doing more, then resenting your partner for not doing enough.

If you spot all of the signs in your current relationship, you have to be realistic. Try your best to align yourselves on the same path. However, if this is a task that’s too challenging for the both of you, it may be time to part ways. For more relationship and dating tips, read other posts on the blog.