Monthly Archive: March 2016

Online Dating – Must Know Safety Tips

online dating

Online Dating Safety Tips

Safety should always be the number one priority when you are online dating. There are numerous ways of getting scammed but also various ways of protecting yourself. The smartest thing is to gather information before you even engage in this form of activity. In this article, we take a look at what are the best ways to protect yourself from fake people who are interested in taking advantage of you.

Here is a list of thing to remember:

1. Don’t Provide Too Many Details

When you set up an online dating profile, it is important to write down several details like describing your personality and listing things you are looking for in a potential mate. The mistake a lot of people make is providing unnecessary details such as their full name, where they work, where they hang out regularly and so on. All that makes them vulnerable to potential scammers. Don’t disclose such personal information. read more